Recruitment process
Everything we do revolves around making working together, from anywhere, as easy as possible. We take this ethos with us through every step of the recruitment process. Your journey from this website to a role at Kinly is simple. Apply quickly and easily, interview in a way that suits you and get answers at speed.

Once you’ve found a vacancy that suits you, click Apply and you’ll be invited to create a candidate profile with us. There aren’t pages and pages of questions here or endless boxes to tick. Simply supply us with all the basic info we need along with your CV.

We aim to review all applications in 72-hours. If we like the sound of your CV, you’ll be shortlisted by a hiring manager. From there, they’ll take a deeper dive into the applications and will be in touch with you in a matter of days.

As a business that values solid communication and the flexibility that technology offers, we give you the option to interview remotely. You shouldn’t have to book a day’s holiday or buy a train ticket to interview for your dream role. We’ll always accommodate whatever works best for you. We want people to work from anywhere, so you can interview from there, too!

Within two-weeks, we’ll get back to you with the good news. Our dedicated recruitment team, and your expert hiring manager, will be your guides throughout the whole process, so there’s always someone in the know to call on if you have any questions. The same team will also take you through your induction.